The story so far
“If you don’t start something, or don’t finish something…”
A powerful sentence, especially when you consider the consequence; if you don’t start something, or don’t finish something, you’re not going anywhere, and that applies not only to your professional life, but to your life as a whole.
It was this sentence that formed the perfect backdrop for my first book – The 3D’s, Leadership and the PI people – which was a reflection of my 30 years of experience in the health and social care sector and how the 3D’s – debate, decide, deliver – can have a profound effect on getting to the where you want to be and achieving whatever you define as “success”. It also talks about those who may be - let’s say - less optimistic about the art of the possible, and how you can deal with that by driving forward and often around them, to achieve your goals, those of your teams and those of your organisation.
I realised at an early stage of my career that some of the best organisations I have ever worked for, and the best people I have worked with and for, had mastered the ability to seamlessly make the move from the conversation (debate) to the decision, and then – critically – to actually making it happen - delivering it!
Likewise, the ability to recognise “failure” as an opportunity to – yes, you guessed it – do it again, but this time with just that little bit more knowledge and experience was a characteristic that I saw time and time again in those who got things done, made a difference, achieved something. It’s a work philosophy, it’s an approach to life, a mindset – it’s a 3D thing.
Good things start with a conversation, so drop us a line and we can make a start….
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